Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dad didn't know

Guest post from: Steve Delaney

Dad didn’t know anything about Satellite Internet Mimbres and mom sure wasn’t going to find out (she’s terrified of technology) so I had to do all the research myself. I love my parents but they’re really stubborn and they were resistant at first when I told them we needed to do something to drag them into the 21st century. My mom kept asking me to print out and mail her articles and pictures and I just had enough of it …I wanted to show her the miracle of the internet and what she could look at WITHOUT my help! They’re actually glad I got it for them at this point, mostly because my dad likes to check and my mom likes (who would have thought?) and I know that every time I have to butt heads with them something good comes out of it. They’re great people and I know that they mean well but they’re so resistant to change sometimes I want to scream! But I never do.