Ok so in my last post I thought Steve was on the Dimera's side but now I don't know. He seems to be acting like he is working for them but he is really on the Brady's side. Hopefully we will all figure it out one day soon. In the meantime I don't get Chelsea. I think she is falling for Jet Carver because ever since her and Nick had sex she hasn't been acting like she loves him anymore. She over heard Jet's fiance talking on the phone and telling them she loved them. So now Chelsea is worried that she is cheating on Jet. Well Jet thinks so too but Chelsea is a little too worried about it. She needs to quit worrying about Jet so much and figure out who she wants to be with. Nick has done so much for her and he is way too nice for her to be stringing him along. Pick which one you want and leave the other one alone.
So Sami is having twins and Kate blackmailed Nick into changing the DNA results to reflect that E.J is the father. Nick decided not to do the real results because he thought it would be best but then he thought it over and decided he had to know. I hope the twins are Lucas' but some people think that one is Lucas' and the other is E.Js'. That's a soap opera for you.
I do believe reality T.V is taking over the air waves. The show "Drive" was a great show and it only lasted for 2 weeks and they took it off the air. They keep taking the good shows off and replacing them with reality crap. I am sick of it. The only reality show I will watch is American Idol. The rest is junk to me. A lot of people get into it but not me. Now they have the new show I believe it is going to be on Fox. It is called "Don't Forget The Lyrics." Some kind of karoke crap.
The only shows I take time out to even watch anymore is Days Of Our Lives, Intervention and American Idol when it is on. Today I did take time away from the computer to watch a couple of Lifetime movies. I love Lifetime movies! Most of them are true stories.
A little off topic but also entertainment related is something that I cannot even believe that I saw on the news when I was sitting in the Pain Center waiting room waiting on my husband to get done. It was about the Pro Wrestler Chris Benoit and how he killed his wife and baby son and then killed himself. I shouldn't be too surprised because this world has gone nuts anyway. I knew about what happened with Chris before but seeing it on the news made it even more real to me. I heard it was because of the steroids he was on. Maybe they were so strong that he went nuts? But on the news they said the doctor who gave them to him wouldn't be charged. If he was giving him too strong of a dose don't you think he should be charged for it? But on the other hand he had no way of knowing that it would drive him to kill his family and then himself. I just don't know what to think about this. You hear about stuff like this every day but you don't think someone in the entertainment business is going to do this. It is not surprising for parents to kill their own children because they wanted to or for kids to kill their own parents and siblings. It is just scary because people say these are the sign of the times. A sign that the world is going to end soon. I am only 27 years old and I am not ready to die. I have a lot of things I would like to do before my time is up. I just can't think about dying or I would be depressed every day!
I am tired of hearing about Paris Hilton already. I don't care about her. I do not like her and I think she is a spoiled little brat. Everyone is talking about how NBC was going to pay her $1 Million t talk about her jail time. Who cares about her jail time. It's not like she even got punished for what she did. I am just sick of these celebrities who think their stuff doesn't stink and they are better than us regular people. Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Tom Cruise are some just to name a few. There are only a few celebrities that I even like anymore. The rest don't do anything but spend their money on outrageous things when they could be helping the poor.
Well this is all for now but I will be posting again soon. :)
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